Monday, December 25, 2017

Acceptance of false attitude perpetrated by monotheistic colonial powers

A good deal more information than one expected, that too in so short an article, and it includes some archaeological tidbits too!

One may not agree with some of the things - for example, why kowtow to this negative attitude about images of Deities, calling it "idol worship", when everyone really does know it's an image portraying the Deity? The whole negative attitude belongs to abrahmic faiths, amongst which Catholics don't quite have it either - after all their churches do rever the mother and son in full form images. And why not? European deities prior to domination by church were, after all, worshipped in images, as were Egyptian and others around the world, from Chinese to Mayan.

And those that bow to the negative attitude about what they call "idol worship" then go on to rever images and icons of their not officially worshipped icons such as political leaders, stars, and so forth.

After all, when someone shows a passport and the photograph is bad, and the officer says "is this you?", who replies "no, moron, it's an image made up of points on paper, it can't be me, I'm right here before you,  how could you think the little picture could be a full human?"

So one might not agree with everything here, and possibly on reflection this writer too would agree with this point about images of Deities, but very worth reading all the same.

Responding to a comment below the original page:-

Greek and Latin have roots in Sanskrit. Try looking at words for numbers, family relationships, etc, and more. The term Indo-Europeean is used for the group of languages that evolved from these roots, and it covers most languages of Eurasia except Turkic ones.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Lifetime Achievements

An article points out the INC recent list of its achievements through history including much that was history of achievements of Indian people, or events, that had little to credit the INC with except its simultaneous existence.

Reminds one of the story of the father giving a sound verbal lashing to son for low grades -"look at this, shame! When I was your age, Tagore got nobel prize!"

But also, one is reminded of the time Ms Sushama Swaraj responded to a speech by Ms Gandhi sometime during the decade of UPA rule when the latter described the UPA rule as the best in history of independent India.  Ms Sushama Swaraj incredulously asked who Ms Gandhi was competing with, was she declaring her rule better than thst of her mother in law, her husband and his grandfather the first PM of India, Jawaharlal Nehru? She asked if Ms Gandhi had forgotten or not known that about six decades out of seven post independence of India, it had been her party that ruled, of which most of the years it was the family she, Ms Gandhi, had married into that ruled. She then proceeded to ask just who Ms Gandhi was competing with, her grandfather in law, her mother in law, or her husband, in declaring her own rule the best.

Colonial mindset prevails in Macaulay's robotic children

One article referred in an fb post questions, "if Mahabharata is real, where are the bones of a million soldiers?"

Morons, this is history of India,  of Hindu culture ! What do your Hindu neighbours do with the remains of their near and dear, keep bones for show? There is systematic funeral with fire accompanied by mantras and other rituals, before ashes are given a farewell in a river, if not ocean. Why would the soldiers not have deserved this proper farewell? Or is this page one where agenda of ex colonial regimes cultures are conducting veiled attacks against India as usual,  with an "If you can't show tombstones engraved with names and dates the person didn't exist" false statement to discredit everything Indian?