Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Comments Worth Quoting Re India Heritage

Worth quoting comment below the original YT video by

@Incredible India
I would appreciate if there was awareness in people to call it "Dharma" "धर्म ". "The law of multiverse, ब्रह्मा़ंड " , "law of nature, प्रकृति". This manifests itself in our way of life based on Sanatan Sanskriti. Vedic SANSKRITI is repository of knowledge of human evolution.  This evolved with the time and yug  (kaal). Dharma has universal application without discrimination. It gave such a good and peaceful life to its followers that India was the top economy of the world till 1200 AD since ancient time. Till the Islamic invaders took over the major part of India after several failed attempts of invasion loot and plunder.

1. The place between Himalaya in north to indu sarovar (Indian ocean) in south is called Hindu. Himalya Hi + indu. Makes the word Hindu. Used for geographic demarcation.  Hindu kush mountain Hindu river called as Sindhu river all indicated the sanskrit origin of the word. But yes doesn't indicate religion but Geographic. Hindustan is a pure sanskrit origin word. Hindu + sthan. Any word added with "sthan" indicates its sanskrit origin. "sthan" became "stan" in apbhransh and prakrit. Has nothing to do with Persian or Arabic. Read the Aagmas and puran.

The muslim invaders tried to demean the word Hindu with many bad words to show them down and paint them as bad people. This is how racist jokes are created. They used this word so many times that it sounded like they created this word. As in present day muslim use "gau mut" word more than the word Allah if talking about Hindu.

2. Since" Dharma" evolved and led humans from darkness to light from ignorance to knowledge. "तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमया". There was no other religion to compete So there is no name, no rules for bashing other religion and concept of conversion. You can't bash  criticize or compete non existent.

3. This is why got more than 1400 books scriptures on various topics helpful in material and spiritual life and this knowledge evolved with time.

4. Ayurvda, Medicine, Vyakrna, Natyashashtra, state crafts, yagya hawan ritual, philosophy, astrology, Jyotish, poetics, sangita shastra, yoga, Veda,Vedanta, Aagam, Nigam, Itihas, Puran, Vyakaran, chhand, Nirukta, Mimansa architecture mathematics to name a few.  Books are available on every aspect of human brain can imagine in such a detail that only one book Mahabharat contains one lakh shlokas.

5. In short Dharma is celebration of the diversity of Human knowledge. Celebrating life and Nature is integral part of Sanatan sanskriti. Hindu celebrate Holi Diwali Chhath Pongal Vaisakhi Sankranti alongside numerous smaller celebration round the year.

6. We as a layman only know about Dharma as a blind man knows about elephant after holding the tail of the elephant.

7. Most of us are only able to know what we see on daily basis like nature and creation worship. And on the basis of this we criticize and appreciate dharma. But Dharma criticize none. Dharma don't give scope for criticism but enlightenment and seeking truth .

8. There is so much more to know. Since I am born in a Dharma followers family. Therefore I celebrate the diversity of human thoughts with ease. Dose not mean i know everything. But once you will know Dharma out of the set  criteria of Abrahamic religion for Dharma. You will find nothing to criticize like a blind man holding an elephant tail and saying why he is made to hold a snake. Instead of criticism You will question and seek answers.

9. For example when you see a survivor on discovery eating dead animal poo and pee either you appreciate or criticize this. But no one can deny that this human will survive the odd. And Dharma have a complete set of philosophy and practicing sect called aghori. However a few. To make sure that the human will survive the extreme. Human will not die out because of the certain dogmas made by the so called civilized society or religion. Dharma supports all accommodates all.

10. Religion ends at heaven and hell only but the Dharma gives to strive even beyond this. That's Moksha complete liberation. Gives emphasis on seeking, knowing your self deep within and finding your own path. This is the reason from Sanatan dharma lots of ism like Jain, Buddha, Sikh, vaishnava Shaiva, Atheism, came out without any conflict or blood shed. Can you imagine the same with Abrahmic religion?

11. If someone adopts Sanatan dharma way of life. He automatically fits into the either Varna Vyavstha Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra according to their profession or Ashram Vyavstha Brahmacharya Grihasth Vanprasth and Sanyas. Together its called Varnashram Vyavstha for the benefit of the society. I can enlighten you on this vedic Varnashram vayvstha. Mail me

Varna division start from us. Our head is our brahma to control our shoulders are our kshatriya to protect us our stomach is our vysya to feed us and our foot are our shudra to serve us. In other words for ourselves we ourselves are our ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय, वैश्य and शूद्र. For our family we all ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय, वैश्य and शूद्र for each other.

But for the society we are ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय, वैश्य and शूद्र according to our profession to the society. In Another term division of profession. Which exists all over the world in different forms. And this is most scientific division of profession to avoid conflict in society. This Varna can be achieved by your Karma.

To fit into Ashram one has nothing to do. Fits in naturally and can stay in any of the phase as long as he wants.

Now it depends on us that we respect equally to our teacher and our toilet cleaner. Which Dharma clearly says respect each and every thing. This is why worship for all not only to teachers. So if you respect your teacher and toilet cleaner equally you are a great Dharmik person. To show respect we must touch feet not the head. Now where you see fault in this varna system. Lots of Rishi like Valmiki, Vedvyas, Ravidas, Parashar etc were not born in cast Brahman but respected worshipped. Cast seems a tribal identity with all the evils of Ego and depends totally on an individual local social environment no support from Dharma

12. Sanatan Dharma allow an individual to seek truth, follow a path or make his her own path to reach the goal of 'Brahma" the energy and consciousness of the Brahmaand. The feeling of अहं ब्रह्मास्मी, I am the consciousness makes one enlighten and तत् त्वमसी, so are you makes you a Guru.
This is the reason encouraged many enlightened soul to find and make their own path. Thus Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism, sant parampra like Kabir, Ravidas etc were born without any conflict. Dharma allowed them to propagate and flourish

13. Comparing Dharma with one book one prophet religion is not a good idea. Can only increase ignorance. Because books of mazhab are small simple and for that for the followers of that particular mazhab only. So better study the world's oldest surviving civilization based on Dharma with universal application, yourself. अहं ब्रह्मास्मी l तत त्वं असी. सर्वे जना:सुखिनो भवन्तु. सर्वे सन्तु निराम्या:l वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम l सत्यमेव जयते l ॐ शांति l."

@Incredible India

मूल निवासी कौन ?

कई दिनों से देख रहा हूँ कुछ अम्बेडकरवादी और मल्ला लोग आर्यों को विदेशी कह रहे है। ये कहते हैं कि कुछ साल पहले ( 1500 BC लगभग ) आर्य बाहर से ( इरान/ यूरेशिया या मध्य एशिया के किसी स्थान से) आए और यहाँ के मूल निवासियों को हरा कर गुलाम बना लिया. तर्क के नाम पर ये फ़तवा देते हैं कि ब्राह्मण,क्षत्रिय,वैश्य आदि सभी विदेशी है. क्या आर्य विदेशी है?

बाबा भीमराव अम्बेडकर जी के ही विचार रखूंगा जिससे ये सिद्ध होगा की आर्य स्वदेशी है।

1) डॉक्टर अम्बेडकर राइटिंग एंड स्पीचेस खंड 7 पृष्ट में अम्बेडकर जी ने लिखा है कि आर्यो का मूलस्थान(भारत से बाहर) का सिद्धांत वैदिक साहित्य से मेल नही खाता। वेदों में गंगा,यमुना,सरस्वती, के प्रति आत्मीय भाव है। कोई विदेशी इस तरह नदी के प्रति आत्मस्नेह सम्बोधन नही कर सकता।

2) डॉ अम्बेडकर ने अपनी पुस्तक "शुद्र कौन"? Who were shudras? में स्पष्ट रूप से विदेशी लेखको की आर्यो के बाहर से आकर यहाँ पर बसने सम्बंधित मान्यताओ का खंडन किया है। डॉ अम्बेडकर लिखते है-

1) वेदो में आर्य जाती के सम्बन्ध में कोई जानकारी नही है।

2) वेदो में ऐसा कोई प्रसंग उल्लेख नही है जिससे यह सिद्ध हो सके कि आर्यो ने भारत पर आक्रमण कर यहाँ के मूलनिवासियो दासो दस्युओं को विजय किया।

3) आर्य,दास और दस्यु जातियो के अलगाव को सिद्ध करने के लिए कोई साक्ष्य वेदो में उपलब्ध नही है।

4)वेदो में इस मत की पुष्टि नही की गयी कि आर्य,दास और दस्युओं से भिन्न रंग के थे।

5)डॉ अम्बेडकर ने स्पष्ट रूप से शुद्रो को भी आर्य कहा है(शुद्र कौन? पृष्ट संख्या 80)

अगर अम्बेडकरवादी सच्चे अम्बेडकर को मानने वाले है तो अम्बेडकर जी की बातो को माने।

वैसे अगर वो बुद्ध को ही मानते है तो महात्मा बुद्ध की भी बात को माने। महात्मा बुद्ध भी आर्य शब्द को गुणवाचक मानते थे। वो धम्मपद 270 में कहते है प्राणियो की हिंसा करने से कोई आर्य नही कहलाता। सर्वप्राणियो की अहिंसा से ही मनुष्य आर्य अर्थात श्रेष्ठ व् धर्मात्मा कहलाता है।

यहाँ हम धम्मपद के उपरोक्त बुध्वचन का Maha Bodhi Society, Bangalore द्वारा प्रमाणित अनुवाद देना आवश्यक व् उपयोगी समझते है।.
विदेशी यात्रिओं के प्रमाण
अम्बेडकरवादी सभी संस्कृत ग्रंथों को गप्प कहते हैं इसलिए कुछ विदेशी यात्रिओं के प्रमाण विचारणीय हैं...
1 मेगस्थनीज 350 ईसापूर्व - 290 ईसा पूर्व) यूनान का एक राजदूत था जो चन्द्रगुप्त के दरबार में आया था। वह कई वर्षों तक चंद्रगुप्त के दरबार में रहा। उसने जो कुछ भारत में देखा, उसका वर्णन उसने "इंडिका" नामक पुस्तक में किया है। उसमे साफ़ साफ़ लिखा है कि भारतीय मानते हैं कि ये सदा से ही इस देश के मूलनिवासी हैं.
2- चीनी यात्री फाह्यान और ह्यून्सांग- इन दोनों ने एक शब्द भी नहीं लिखा जो आर्यों को विदिशी या आक्रान्ता बताता हो. ये दोनों बौद्ध थे.
3- इतिहास के पितामह हेरोड़ेट्स - इन्होने भी अपने लेखन में भारत का कुछ विवरण दिया है.परन्तु इन्होने भी एक पंक्ति नहीं लिखी भारत में आर्य आक्रमण पर.
4- अलबेरूनी - यह मूलतः मध्य पूर्व ( इरान+अफगानिस्तान) से महमूद गजनवी के साथ आया. लम्बे समय तक भारत आया. भारत के सम्बन्ध में कई पुस्तकें लिखी. परन्तु एक शब्द भी नहीं लिखा आर्यों के बाहरी होने के बारें में." "

@Incredible India
बाबा साहब द्वारा शुद्रो का वर्णन एव उनके पूर्वजो का भी:-

पुस्तक:-अम्बेडकर वाङ्मय

1:-(डॉ अम्बेडकर वाड्मंय,खण्ड ७,पृ०३१९)

(क)"दुर्भाग्य तो यह है की लोगो के मन मे यह धारणा कर गई है की शुद्र अनार्य थे,किन्तु
इस बात मे कोई सन्देह नही की प्रचीन हिन्दु साहित्यों मे रंच मात्र भी इस बात का कोई आधार प्राप्त नहीं होता।"

  पुस्तक :- शुद्रों की खोज,(पृ०४२)

(ख)"हिन्दुधर्मा वल्लामभियों की यह बात की शुद्र अनार्य हैं यह कभी नही माननी
चाहिए।यह सिध्दातं मनु तथा कौटिल्य
के विपरीत हैं।"

(डॉ अम्बेडकर वाड्मंय,खण्ड ७,पृ०३२२)

(ग):-"शुद्र आर्य ही है वे जीवन की आर्य पद्धति मे विश्वास रखते थे/है।शुद्रो को
आर्य स्वीकार किया गया है।और कौटिल्य ने भी अपने अर्थशास्त्र मे आर्य कहा है।शुद्र हिन्दु समाज के अभिन्न सम्मानित
अगं है।"

(घ):-"आर्य सम्मानित जातियो का अर्थ है
४ वर्ण:-

दुसरे शब्दो मे मनु चार वर्णों को आर्यवाद का सार मानते है।"(वही,खण्ड ८,पृ०२१७)
(ङ्)"मनुस्मृति १०.४ श्लोक(ब्राहाणः क्षत्रियो वैश्यः........जो इस अध्याय
के आरम्भ में उद्धृत है)दो कारणो से
अत्यन्त महत्वपूर्ण है।एक तो यह कि
शूद्रों को दस्यु से भिन्न बताया गया है।
दूसरे इससे पता चलता है कि शूद्र भी
आर्य हैं।"

(वही,खण्ड ८,पृ०१२७ पर टिप्पणी)

(च) "स्वर्ण का अर्थ है चारों वर्णों में से किसी एक वर्ण का होना।अवर्ण का अर्थ
है चारों वर्णो से परे होना।

("ब्राम्हण,क्षत्रिय,वैश्य,शुद्र चारो स्वर्ण हैं।")

(डॉ अम्बेडकर वाड्मंय,खण्ड ६,पृ०१८१). . ."

@Incredible India
The nine planets (Nava Graha) according to ancient Indian Mythology are
Surya - Sun
Chandra - Moon
Mangala - Mars
Budha - Mercury
Brihaspati/Guru - Jupiter
Shukra - Venus
Shani - Saturn

@Incredible India
Vedas are four.
Rig Veda.
Yajur Veda.
Atharva Veda.
Saam Veda.

All Veda says about Science.

Rig Veda:-
There are many Suns.
Electromegnetic field,conversion of mass and energy.
The gravitational effect of solar system makes the earth stable.
The axle of the earth does not get rusted,the earth continues to revolve on it's axle.
The science of Time and it's suitable nature is described in Rig Veda.

Atharva Veda:-
Seven colours in the Sun.

Yajur Veda:-
Sun and whole universe are round.
Moon is enlighted by the Sun.

Sama Veda:-
The Sun never sets or rises and it is the earth,which rotated.

Markandey Purana:-
Earth is flattened at the poles."

@Incredible India
Rig Veda 10.22.14
“This earth is devoid of hands and legs, yet it moves ahead. All the objects over the earth also move with it. It moves around the sun

Rig Veda 10.149.1
“The sun has tied Earth and other planets through attraction and moves them around itself as if a trainer moves newly trained horses around itself holding their reins.”

Yajur Veda 33.43
“The sun moves in its own orbit in space taking along with itself the mortal bodies like earth through force of attraction.”


Rig Veda 1.84.15
“The moving moon always receives a ray of light from sun”

Rig Veda 10.85.9
“Moon decided to marry. Day and Night attended its wedding. And sun gifted his daughter “Sun ray” to Moon.”


Rig Veda 5.40.5
“O Sun! When you are blocked by the one whom you gifted your own light (moon), then earth gets scared by sudden darkness


Rig veda 1.33.8

It says"people who reside on the surface of earth circumference" while most of the scriptures of abrahmic religions considered the earth to be flat"

@Incredible India
Science in vedas part 3
Source of Light for the Moon:-
1.“The moving moon always receives a ray of light from sun”
Rig Veda 1.84.15

2. “Moon decided to marry. Day and Night attended its wedding. And sun gifted his daughter “Sun ray” to Moon.”
Rig Veda 10.85.9

Gravitational Force:-
1.“O Indra! by putting forth your mighty rays, which possess the qualities of gravitation and attraction-illumination and motion – keep up the entire universe in order through the Power of your attraction.”
Rig Veda 8.12.28

2.“O God, You have created this Sun. You possess infinite power. You are upholding the sun and other spheres and render them steadfast by your power of attraction.”
Rig Veda 1.6.5 and Rig Veda 8.12.30

3.“The sun moves in its own orbit in space taking along with itself the mortal bodies like earth through force of attraction.”
Yajur Veda 33.43

4. “The sun moves in its own orbit but holding earth and other heavenly bodies in a manner that they do not collide with each other through force of attraction.”
Rig Veda 1.35.9

5.“Sun moves in its orbit which itself is moving. Earth and other bodies move around sun due to force of attraction, because sun is heavier than them.”
Rig Veda 1.164.13

6. “The sun has held the earth and other planets”
Atharva Veda 4.11.1

The verses from the Aitareya Brahmana (3.44) clearly states:
“The Sun does never set nor rise. When people think the Sun is setting it is not so. For after having arrived at the end of the day it makes itself produce two opposite effects, making night to what is below and day to what is on the other side. Having reached the end of the night, it makes itself produce two opposite effects, making day to what is below and night to what is on the other side. In fact, the Sun never sets. “

“Shape of Earth is like an Oblate Spheroid “Rig Veda XXX. IV.V

“Earth is flattened at the poles “ -Markandeya Purana 54.12

Geography in Sanskrit is also called as Bho-gol. It literally means that earth is round.

“For the period when the sun is in north it is visible for six months at the north pole and invisible at the south, and vice versa.” – Ibid Sutra

“He made this Earth fixed by different devices like hills and mountains in shape of pegs but it still rotates . Sun never sets; all parts of earth are not in Darkness.” -Rig Veda

“Earth rotates in two ways by the will of Brahma, first it rotates on its axis secondly it revolves around sun. Days and Nights are distinguished when moves on its axis. Season change when it revolves around Sun.” -Vishnu Puran

“There are suns in all directions, the night sky being full of them.” -Rig Veda

“Blue Sky is Nothing but scattered sunlight” - Markandeya Purana 78.8

“Nothing in Brahmand is immovable”-Sam Veda

“Nothing is Static in this world neither living or non-living.” —Brahmand Puran

“Earth is divided in many plates as much as 14 of them in present Manavatara.” —Brahmand Puran

Atmosphere was created as protective skin of earth -Shrimad Bhagwatam

“In the initial stage of the creation of Universe, some creation material slipped from the hands of Brahma and collided with earth resulting in the formation of Moon.”—Brahmand Puran

“Oh Indra (all sustaining Lord) through establishing the all illuminating and powerful sun you maintain control over all cosmic bodies through mutual forces.”

—Rig Mandal 8 Ch. 12 verse 30

Number of Universes

“Every universe is covered by seven layers — earth, water, fire, air, sky, the total energy and false ego — each ten times greater than the previous one. There are innumerable universes besides this one, and although they are unlimitedly large, they move about like atoms in You. Therefore You are called unlimited.”
Bhagawat Purana 6.16.37

“After separating the different universes, the gigantic universal form of the Lord, which came out of the causal ocean, the place of appearance for the first puruṣa-avatāra, entered into each of the separate universes, desiring to lie on the created transcendental water.”
Bhagawat Purana 2.10.10

Infinite Creations

Even though over a period of time I might count all the atoms of the universe, I could not count all of My opulences which I manifest within innumerable universes
Bhagawat Purana 11.16.39

Analogies on Multiple Universes

What am I, a small creature measuring seven spans of my own hand? I am enclosed in a potlike universe composed of material nature, the total material energy, false ego, ether, air, water and earth. And what is Your glory? Unlimited universes pass through the pores of Your body just as particles of dust pass through the openings of a screened window
Bhagavata Purana 10.14.11

Because You are unlimited, neither the deities of heaven nor even You Yourself can ever reach the end of Your glories. The countless universes, each enveloped in its shell, are compelled by the wheel of time to wander within You, like particles of dust blowing about in the sky. The śrutis, following their method of eliminating everything separate from the Supreme, become successful by revealing You as their final conclusion
Bhagawat Puran 10.87.41

The layers or elements covering the universes are each ten times thicker than the one before, and all the universes clustered together appear like atoms in a huge combination
Bhagawat Puran 3.11.41

Pre-Manifestation of Universe

Then even nothingness was not, nor existence,
There was no air then, nor the heavens beyond it.
What covered it? Where was it? In whose keeping?
Was there then cosmic water, in depths unfathomed?

Then there was neither death nor immortality
nor was there then the torch of night and day.
The One breathed windlessly and self-sustaining.
There was that One then, and there was no other.
Nasadiya Sukta Verses 1 and 2"

@Incredible India
Science in vedas part 2
Rig Veda 10.22.14
“This earth is devoid of hands and legs, yet it moves ahead. All the objects over the earth also move with it. It moves around the sun.

In this mantra,
Kshaa = Earth (refer Nigantu 1.1)
Ahastaa = without hands
Apadee = without legs
Vardhat = moves ahead
Shushnam Pari = Around the sun
Pradakshinit = revolves

Rig Veda 10.149.1
“The sun has tied Earth and other planets through attraction and moves them around itself as if a trainer moves newly trained horses around itself holding their reins.”

In this mantra,
Savita = Sun
Yantraih = through reins
Prithiveem = Earth
Aramnaat = Ties
Dyaam Andahat = Other planets in sky as well
Atoorte = Unbreakable
Baddham = Holds
Ashwam Iv Adhukshat = Like horses


Rig Veda 8.12.28
“O Indra! by putting forth your mighty rays, which possess the qualities of gravitation and attraction-illumination and motion – keep up the entire universe in order through the Power of your attraction.”

Rig Veda 1.6.5, Rig Veda 8.12.30
“O God, You have created this Sun. You possess infinite power. You are upholding the sun and other spheres and render them steadfast by your power of attraction.

Yajur Veda 33.43
“The sun moves in its own orbit in space taking along with itself the mortal bodies like earth through force of attraction.”

Rig Veda 1.35.9
“The sun moves in its own orbit but holding earth and other heavenly bodies in a manner that they do not collide with each other through force of attraction.

Rig Veda 1.164.13
“Sun moves in its orbit which itself is moving. Earth and other bodies move around sun due to force of attraction, because sun is heavier than them.

Atharva Veda 4.11.1
“The sun has held the earth and other planets”


Rig Veda 1.84.15
“The moving moon always receives a ray of light from sun”

Rig Veda 10.85.9
“Moon decided to marry. Day and Night attended its wedding. And sun gifted his daughter “Sun ray” to Moon.”


Rig Veda 5.40.5
“O Sun! When you are blocked by the one whom you gifted your own light (moon), then earth gets scared by sudden darkness.”

Swami Dayanand has detailed Mantras regarding these in his Vedic commentary and Introduction to Vedas” (1876). The scientists of IISc concluded that the mechanism of airplane as suggested by Dayanand is feasible. The first manned plane was built 20 years after death of Swami Dayanand.

The verses are difficult to translate in English here, but readers are advised to review “Introduction to Vedas” by Swami Dayanand or interpretations of following mantras: Rig Veda 1.116.3, 1.116.4, 10.62.1, 1.116.5, 1.116.6, 1.34.2, 1.34.7, 1.48.8 etc.


Rig Veda 1.119.10
“With the help of bipolar forces (Asvins), you should employ telegraphic apparatus made of good conductor of electricity. It is necessary for efficient military operations but should be used with caution.”"

@Incredible India
Science in vedas part 1
Note All Anti-Hindu false Vedic ciatations have been debunked at the bottom.
Earth goes around the Sun – (Rig Veda 10. 22. 14. and Yajur Veda 3. 6).

Complete verse “This earth is devoid of hands and legs, yet it moves ahead. All the objects over the earth also move with it. It moves around the sun”.

Sun and whole Universe are round —(Yajur Veda 20. 23).

Shape of Earth is like an Oblate Spheroid —(Rig Veda XXX. IV.V).

Moon is enlightened by the Sun – (Yajur Veda 18, 20).

‘Earth is flattened at the poles’ — (Markandeya Purana 54.12).

There are many Suns –Rig Veda 10.149.1

Seven colours in the Sun – (Atharva Veda 7. 107. 1).

“The sun has tied Earth and other planets through attraction and moves them around itself as if a trainer moves newly trained horses around itself holding their reins.” — (Rig Veda 10.149.1)

“O Sun! When you are blocked by the one whom you gifted your own light (moon), then earth will be surprised by the sudden darkness.” — (Rig Veda 5.40.5)

“The Sun does never set nor rise. When people think the Sun is setting it is not so. For after having arrived at the end of the day it makes itself produce two opposite effects, making night to what is below and day to what is on the other side having reached the end of the night, it makes itself produce two opposite effects, making day to what is below and night to what is on the other side. In fact, the Sun never sets” — (Aitareya Brahmana 3.44)

“People living in countries at points diametrically opposite to where the sun is first seen rising,will see sun setting and if a straight line were drawn from the point where the sun is at midway,then people in countries at the opposite end ofthe line would be experiencing midnight and vice versa”- (Bhagavatam 5.21.8-9)

Electromagnetic field, conversion of mass and energy – (Rig Veda 10. 72).

The gravitational effect of solar system makes the earth stable- (Rig Veda 1-103-2, 1-115-4 and 5-81-2).

The axle of the Earth does not get rusted, the Earth continues to revolve on its axle- (Rig Veda 1-164-29).

The Sun never sets or rises and it is the Earth, which rotates- (Sama-Ved 121).

The science of Time and its subtle nature is described in (R.V.1-92-12 & 1-95-8)

Blue Sky is nothing but scattered Sunlight- (Markandeya Purana 78.8).

“Through astronomy, geography, and geology, go thou to all the different countries of the world under the sun. Mayest thou attain through good preaching to statesmanship and artisanship, through medical science obtain knowledge of all medicinal plants, through hydrostatics learn the different uses of water, through electricity understand the working of ever lustrous lightening. Carry out my instructions willingly.” —(Yajur Veda 6.21)

“O royal skilled engineer, construct sea-boats, propelled on water by our experts, and airplanes, moving and flying upward, after the clouds that reside in the mid-region, that fly as the boats move on the sea, that fly high over and below the watery clouds. Be thou, thereby, prosperous in this world created by the Omnipresent God, and flier in both air and lightning.” —(Yajur Veda 10.19)

“The atomic energy fissions the ninety-nine elements, covering its path by the bombardments of neutrons without let or hindrance. Desirous of stalking the head, ie. the chief part of the swift power, hiden in the mass of molecular adjustments of the elements, this atomic energy approaches it in the very act of fissioning it by the above-noted bombardment. Herein, verily the scientists know the similar hidden striking force of the rays of the sun working in the orbit of the moon.” —(Atharva-veda 20.41.1-3)

"There are vast worlds all placed way within the hollows of each atom, multifarious as the motes in a sunbeam."—(Yoga Vashista)"

@Incredible India
भूगोल-- भूमि अर्थात पृथिवी जो गोल है।
जगत -जो निरंतर गतिशील है, गतिमान है।
संसार--जीवात्मा जिसका सार सार ग्रहण करता है।
वसुन्धरा--वसु याने सूर्य धारण कि हुई, सूर्य ने जिसको धारण किया हुआ है
पृथिवी--जो पृथक पृथक परमाणुओं से बनकर भी विस्तृत है, अर्थात बहुत बड़ी है।
धरातल--जिसने अपने तल (ऊपर) जीवात्माओं को धारण किया हुआ है।
मार्तण्ड--जो मृत्यु को भी प्राप्त होगी , अर्थात एक दिन नष्ट भी होगी। परमाणु से बनी है तो बिगड़ेगी भी। जो बना है वो बिखरेगा भी ।
ब्रम्हांड- जो ब्रम्ह के कारण उत्पन्न (अभिव्यक्त) हुआ है। निमित्त कारण ईश्वर है।
     पृथिवी की जितनी विशेषता है, उतने उसके नाम है। ये है वेदों का साइंस। वेद के हर शब्द में मंत्र में ज्ञान रहस्य भरा है, जिसे अध्ययन से स्वाध्याय से जाना जाता है । ऋषि मुनियों ने सारा विज्ञान वेद मंत्र में पिरोया है। इसलिए वो मंत्र कहलाते है। गीता रामायण के मंत्र नहीं वो श्लोक कहलाते है।
        पर जो मजहबी अंधा होता है वो विज्ञान, साइंस को क्या जाने ? अंधों में काना राजा वाले लोग है ये।

@Incredible India
"I would appreciate if there was awareness in people to call it "Dharma" "धर्म ". "The law of multiverse, ब्रह्मा़ंड " , "law of nature, प्रकृति". This manifests itself in our way of life based on Sanatan Sanskriti. Vedic SANSKRITI is repository of knowledge of human evolution.  This evolved with the time and yug  (kaal). Dharma has universal application without discrimination. It gave such a good and peaceful life to its followers that India was the top economy of the world till 1200 AD since ancient time. Till the Islamic invaders took over the major part of India after several failed attempts of invasion loot and plunder.

"1. The place between Himalaya in north to indu sarovar (Indian ocean) in south is called Hindu. Himalya Hi + indu. Makes the word Hindu. Used for geographic demarcation.  Hindu kush mountain Hindu river called as Sindhu river all indicated the sanskrit origin of the word. But yes doesn't indicate religion but Geographic. Hindustan is a pure sanskrit origin word. Hindu + sthan. Any word added with "sthan" indicates its sanskrit origin. "sthan" became "stan" in apbhransh and prakrit. Has nothing to do with Persian or Arabic. Read the Aagmas and puran.

"The muslim invaders tried to demean the word Hindu with many bad words to show them down and paint them as bad people. This is how racist jokes are created. They used this word so many times that it sounded like they created this word. As in present day muslim use "gau mut" word more than the word Allah if talking about Hindu.

"2. Since" Dharma" evolved and led humans from darkness to light from ignorance to knowledge. "तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमया". There was no other religion to compete So there is no name, no rules for bashing other religion and concept of conversion. You can't bash  criticize or compete non existent.

"3. This is why got more than 1400 books scriptures on various topics helpful in material and spiritual life and this knowledge evolved with time.

"4. Ayurvda, Medicine, Vyakrna, Natyashashtra, state crafts, yagya hawan ritual, philosophy, astrology, Jyotish, poetics, sangita shastra, yoga, Veda,Vedanta, Aagam, Nigam, Itihas, Puran, Vyakaran, chhand, Nirukta, Mimansa architecture mathematics to name a few.  Books are available on every aspect of human brain can imagine in such a detail that only one book Mahabharat contains one lakh shlokas.

"5. In short Dharma is celebration of the diversity of Human knowledge. Celebrating life and Nature is integral part of Sanatan sanskriti. Hindu celebrate Holi Diwali Chhath Pongal Vaisakhi Sankranti alongside numerous smaller celebration round the year.

"6. We as a layman only know about Dharma as a blind man knows about elephant after holding the tail of the elephant.

"7. Most of us are only able to know what we see on daily basis like nature and creation worship. And on the basis of this we criticize and appreciate dharma. But Dharma criticize none. Dharma don't give scope for criticism but enlightenment and seeking truth .

"8. There is so much more to know. Since I am born in a Dharma followers family. Therefore I celebrate the diversity of human thoughts with ease. Dose not mean i know everything. But once you will know Dharma out of the set  criteria of Abrahamic religion for Dharma. You will find nothing to criticize like a blind man holding an elephant tail and saying why he is made to hold a snake. Instead of criticism You will question and seek answers.

"9. For example when you see a survivor on discovery eating dead animal poo and pee either you appreciate or criticize this. But no one can deny that this human will survive the odd. And Dharma have a complete set of philosophy and practicing sect called aghori. However a few. To make sure that the human will survive the extreme. Human will not die out because of the certain dogmas made by the so called civilized society or religion. Dharma supports all accommodates all.

"10. Religion ends at heaven and hell only but the Dharma gives to strive even beyond this. That's Moksha complete liberation. Gives emphasis on seeking, knowing your self deep within and finding your own path. This is the reason from Sanatan dharma lots of ism like Jain, Buddha, Sikh, vaishnava Shaiva, Atheism, came out without any conflict or blood shed. Can you imagine the same with Abrahmic religion?

"11. If someone adopts Sanatan dharma way of life. He automatically fits into the either Varna Vyavstha Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra according to their profession or Ashram Vyavstha Brahmacharya Grihasth Vanprasth and Sanyas. Together its called Varnashram Vyavstha for the benefit of the society. I can enlighten you on this vedic Varnashram vayvstha. Mail me

"Varna division start from us. Our head is our brahma to control our shoulders are our kshatriya to protect us our stomach is our vysya to feed us and our foot are our shudra to serve us. In other words for ourselves we ourselves are our ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय, वैश्य and शूद्र. For our family we all ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय, वैश्य and शूद्र for each other.

"But for the society we are ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय, वैश्य and शूद्र according to our profession to the society. In Another term division of profession. Which exists all over the world in different forms. And this is most scientific division of profession to avoid conflict in society. This Varna can be achieved by your Karma.

"To fit into Ashram one has nothing to do. Fits in naturally and can stay in any of the phase as long as he wants.

"Now it depends on us that we respect equally to our teacher and our toilet cleaner. Which Dharma clearly says respect each and every thing. This is why worship for all not only to teachers. So if you respect your teacher and toilet cleaner equally you are a great Dharmik person. To show respect we must touch feet not the head. Now where you see fault in this varna system. Lots of Rishi like Valmiki, Vedvyas, Ravidas, Parashar etc were not born in cast Brahman but respected worshipped. Cast seems a tribal identity with all the evils of Ego and depends totally on an individual local social environment no support from Dharma

"12. Sanatan Dharma allow an individual to seek truth, follow a path or make his her own path to reach the goal of 'Brahma" the energy and consciousness of the Brahmaand. The feeling of अहं ब्रह्मास्मी, I am the consciousness makes one enlighten and तत् त्वमसी, so are you makes you a Guru.
This is the reason encouraged many enlightened soul to find and make their own path. Thus Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism, sant parampra like Kabir, Ravidas etc were born without any conflict. Dharma allowed them to propagate and flourish

"13. Comparing Dharma with one book one prophet religion is not a good idea. Can only increase ignorance. Because books of mazhab are small simple and for that for the followers of that particular mazhab only. So better study the world's oldest surviving civilization based on Dharma with universal application, yourself. अहं ब्रह्मास्मी l तत त्वं असी. सर्वे जना:सुखिनो भवन्तु. सर्वे सन्तु निराम्या:l वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम l सत्यमेव जयते l ॐ शांति l."

RAVIDRA KAUSHIK @Vakil Ansari ram राममंदिर विध्वंस एवं तुलसीदास -अरुण लवानिया आपको कुछ मुसलमान और कम्युनिस्ट यह चिल्लाते दिखेंगे कि अगर बाबर ने हिन्दू मंदिर तोडा होता तो तुलसीदास ने लिखा होता। मगर इसका कोई प्रमाण रामचरितमानस में नहीं मिलता। सत्य यह है कि तुलसीदास जी ने बाबर के हाथों राममंदिर विध्वंस का वर्णन लिखा था। यह वर्णन रामचरितमानस में नहीं अपितु दोहा शतक में किया था। तुलसी दास जी ने दोहा शतक 1590 मे लिखा था। इसके आठ दोहे , 85 से 92, में मंदिर के तोड़े जाने का स्पष्ट वर्णन है। इसे रायबरेली के तालुकदार राय बहादुथ बाबू सिंह जी 1944 में प्रकाशित किया।यह राम जंत्रालय प्रेस से छपा। यह एक ही बार छपा और इसकी एक प्रति जौनपुर के शांदिखुर्द गांव में उपलब्ध है। इलाहाबाद उच्च नयायालय में जब बहस शुरू हुयी तो श्री रामभद्राचार्य जी को Indian Evidence Act के अंतर्गत एक expert witness के तौर पर बुलाया गया और इस सवाल का उत्तर पूछा गया। उन्होंने कहा कि यह सही है कि श्री रामचरित मानस में इस घटना का वर्णन नहीं है लेकिन तुलसीदास जी ने इसका वर्णन अपनी अन्य कृति 'तुलसी दोहा शतक' में किया है जो कि श्री रामचरित मानस से कम प्रचलित है। अतः यह कहना गलत है कि तुलसी दास जो कि बाबर के समकालीन भी थे,ने राम मंदिर तोड़े जाने की घटना का वर्णन नहीं किया है और जहाँ तक राम चरित मानस कि बात है उसमे तो कहीं भी मुग़लों की भी चर्चा नहीं है इसका मतलब ये निकाला जाना गलत होगा कि तुलसीदास के समय में मुगल नहीं रहे। गोस्वामी जी ने 'तुलसी दोहा शतक' में इस बात का साफ उल्लेख किया है कि किस तरह से राम मंदिर को तोड़ा गया (1) राम जनम महि मंदरहिं, तोरि मसीत बनाय । जवहिं बहुत हिन्दू हते, तुलसी किन्ही हाय ॥ जन्मभूमि का मन्दिर नष्ट करके, उन्होंने एक मस्जिद बनाई । साथ ही तेज गति उन्होंने बहुत से हिंदुओं की हत्या की । इसे सोचकर तुलसीदास शोकाकुल हुये । (2) दल्यो मीरबाकी अवध मन्दिर रामसमाज । तुलसी रोवत ह्रदय हति हति त्राहि त्राहि रघुराज ॥ मीरबकी ने मन्दिर तथा रामसमाज (राम दरबार की मूर्तियों) को नष्ट किया । राम से रक्षा की याचना करते हुए विदिर्ण ह्रदय तुलसी रोये । (3) राम जनम मन्दिर जहाँ तसत अवध के बीच । तुलसी रची मसीत तहँ मीरबाकी खाल नीच ॥ तुलसीदास जी कहते हैं कि अयोध्या के मध्य जहाँ राममन्दिर था वहाँ नीच मीरबकी ने मस्जिद बनाई । (4) रामायन घरि घट जँह, श्रुति पुरान उपखान । तुलसी जवन अजान तँह, कइयों कुरान अज़ान ॥ श्री तुलसीदास जी कहते है कि जहाँ रामायण, श्रुति, वेद, पुराण से सम्बंधित प्रवचन होते थे, घण्टे, घड़ियाल बजते थे, वहाँ अज्ञानी यवनों की कुरआन और अज़ान होने लगे। (5) मन्त्र उपनिषद ब्राह्मनहुँ बहु पुरान इतिहास । जवन जराये रोष भरि करि तुलसी परिहास ॥ श्री तुलसीदास जी कहते हैं कि क्रोध से ओतप्रोत यवनों ने बहुत सारे मन्त्र (संहिता), उपनिषद, ब्राह्मणग्रन्थों (जो वेद के अंग होते हैं) तथा पुराण और इतिहास सम्बन्धी ग्रन्थों का उपहास करते हुये उन्हें जला दिया । (6) सिखा सूत्र से हीन करि बल ते हिन्दू लोग । भमरि भगाये देश ते तुलसी कठिन कुजोग ॥ श्री तुलसीदास जी कहते हैं कि ताकत से हिंदुओं की शिखा (चोटी) और यग्योपवित से रहित करके उनको गृहविहीन कर अपने पैतृक देश से भगा दिया । (7) बाबर बर्बर आइके कर लीन्हे करवाल । हने पचारि पचारि जन जन तुलसी काल कराल ॥ श्री तुलसीदास जी कहते हैं कि हाँथ में तलवार लिये हुये बर्बर बाबर आया और लोगों को ललकार ललकार कर हत्या की । यह समय अत्यन्त भीषण था । (8) सम्बत सर वसु बान नभ ग्रीष्म ऋतु अनुमानि । तुलसी अवधहिं जड़ जवन अनरथ किये अनखानि ॥ (इस दोहा में ज्योतिषीय काल गणना में अंक दायें से बाईं ओर लिखे जाते थे, सर (शर) = 5, वसु = 8, बान (बाण) = 5, नभ = 1 अर्थात विक्रम सम्वत 1585 और विक्रम सम्वत में से 57 वर्ष घटा देने से ईस्वी सन 1528 आता है ।) श्री तुलसीदास जी कहते हैं कि सम्वत् 1585 विक्रमी (सन 1528 ई) अनुमानतः ग्रीष्मकाल में जड़ यवनों अवध में वर्णनातीत अनर्थ किये । (वर्णन न करने योग्य) । अब यह स्पष्ट हो गया कि गोस्वामी तुलसीदास जी की इस रचना में जन्मभूमि विध्वंस का विस्तृत रूप से वर्णन किया किया है। इतने स्पष्ट प्रमाण होने के बाद भी राममंदिर का निर्माण न होने का केवल और केवल एक ही कारण है। यह है हिन्दू समाज में एकता की कमी। हिन्दू समाज जिस दिन जातिवाद छोड़कर संगठित हो जायेगा। उस दिन राममंदिर के निर्माण से दुनिया की कोई ताकत हमें नहीं रोक सकती। RAVIDRA KAUSHIK @Vakil Ansari विदेशों में राम के प्रमाण संस्कृत के अलावा तमिल भाषा में कम्बन रामायण, असम में असमी रामायण, उड़िया में विलंका रामायण, कन्नड़ में पंप रामायण, कश्मीर में कश्मीरी रामायण, बंगाली में रामायण पांचाली, मराठी में भावार्थ रामायण आदि को प्राचीनकाल में ही लिख दिया गया था। भारत के अलावा विदेशी भाषा में भी रामायण की रचना हुई जिनमें कंपूचिया की रामकेर्ति या रिआमकेर रामायण, लाओस फ्रलक-फ्रलाम, मलेशिया की हिकायत सेरीराम, थाईलैंड की रामकियेन और नेपाल में भानुभक्त कृत रामायण आदि प्रमुख हैं। भारत के बाहर रामायण थाईलैंड- रामकियेन इंडोनेशिया- रामायण काकावीन कंबोडिया- रामकेर बर्मा (म्यांमार)- रामवत्थु लाओस- फ्रलक-फ्रलाम (रामजातक) फिलिपींस- मसलादिया लाबन मलयेशिया- हिकायत सेरीराम श्रीलंका- जानकी हरण नेपाल- भानुभक्त कृत रामायण जापान- होबुत्सुशू चीन- चीनी साहित्य में राम कथा पर आधारित कोई मौलिक रचना नहीं हैं। बौद्ध धर्म ग्रंथ त्रिपिटक के चीनी संस्करण में रामायण से संबद्ध दो रचनाएँ मिलती हैं। ‘अनामकं जातकम्’ और ‘दशरथ कथानम्’। श्रीलंका- संस्कृत और पालि साहित्य का प्राचीनकाल से ही श्रीलंका से गहरा संबंध रहा है। रामायण समेत अन्य कई भारतीय महाकाव्यों के आधार पर रचित जानकी हरण के श्रीलंकाई रचनाकार और वहां के राजा, कुमार दास को कालिदास के घनिष्ठ मित्र की संज्ञा दी जाती है। इतना ही नहीं सिंघली भाषा में लिखी गई मलेराज की कथा भी राम के जीवन से ही जुड़ी हुई है। बर्मा (म्यंमार)- शुरुआती दौर में बर्मा को ब्रह्मादेश के नाम से जाना जाता था। बर्मा की प्राचीनतम रचना रामवत्थु श्री राम के जीवन से ही प्रभावित है। इसके अलावा लाओस में भी रामकथा के आधार पर कई रचनाओं का विकास हुआ, जिनमें फ्रलक-फ्रलाम (रामजातक), ख्वाय थोरफी, पोम्मचक (ब्रह्म चक्र) और लंका नाई आदि प्रमुख हैं। इंडोनेशिया और मलेशिया- प्रारंभिक काल में इंडोनेशिया और मलेशिया में पहले हिन्दू धर्म के लोग ही रहा करते थे लेकिन फिलिपींस के इस्लाम धर्म ग्रहण करने के बाद वहां धार्मिक हिंसा ने जन्म लिया, जिसकी वजह से समस्त देश के लोगों ने इस्लाम को अपना लिया। इसलिए जिस तरह फिलिपींस में रामायण का एक अलग ही स्वरूप विद्यमान है कुछ उसी तरह इंडोनेशिया और जावा की रामायण भी उसी से मिलती-जुलती है। 

@Incredible India
Science in vedas part 2
Rig Veda 10.22.14
“This earth is devoid of hands and legs, yet it moves ahead. All the objects over the earth also move with it. It moves around the sun.

In this mantra,
Kshaa = Earth (refer Nigantu 1.1)
Ahastaa = without hands
Apadee = without legs
Vardhat = moves ahead
Shushnam Pari = Around the sun
Pradakshinit = revolves

Rig Veda 10.149.1
“The sun has tied Earth and other planets through attraction and moves them around itself as if a trainer moves newly trained horses around itself holding their reins.”

In this mantra,
Savita = Sun
Yantraih = through reins
Prithiveem = Earth
Aramnaat = Ties
Dyaam Andahat = Other planets in sky as well
Atoorte = Unbreakable
Baddham = Holds
Ashwam Iv Adhukshat = Like horses


Rig Veda 8.12.28
“O Indra! by putting forth your mighty rays, which possess the qualities of gravitation and attraction-illumination and motion – keep up the entire universe in order through the Power of your attraction.”

Rig Veda 1.6.5, Rig Veda 8.12.30
“O God, You have created this Sun. You possess infinite power. You are upholding the sun and other spheres and render them steadfast by your power of attraction.

Yajur Veda 33.43
“The sun moves in its own orbit in space taking along with itself the mortal bodies like earth through force of attraction.”

Rig Veda 1.35.9
“The sun moves in its own orbit but holding earth and other heavenly bodies in a manner that they do not collide with each other through force of attraction.

Rig Veda 1.164.13
“Sun moves in its orbit which itself is moving. Earth and other bodies move around sun due to force of attraction, because sun is heavier than them.

Atharva Veda 4.11.1
“The sun has held the earth and other planets”


Rig Veda 1.84.15
“The moving moon always receives a ray of light from sun”

Rig Veda 10.85.9
“Moon decided to marry. Day and Night attended its wedding. And sun gifted his daughter “Sun ray” to Moon.”


Rig Veda 5.40.5
“O Sun! When you are blocked by the one whom you gifted your own light (moon), then earth gets scared by sudden darkness.”

Swami Dayanand has detailed Mantras regarding these in his Vedic commentary and Introduction to Vedas” (1876). The scientists of IISc concluded that the mechanism of airplane as suggested by Dayanand is feasible. The first manned plane was built 20 years after death of Swami Dayanand.

The verses are difficult to translate in English here, but readers are advised to review “Introduction to Vedas” by Swami Dayanand or interpretations of following mantras: Rig Veda 1.116.3, 1.116.4, 10.62.1, 1.116.5, 1.116.6, 1.34.2, 1.34.7, 1.48.8 etc.


Rig Veda 1.119.10
“With the help of bipolar forces (Asvins), you should employ telegraphic apparatus made of good conductor of electricity. It is necessary for efficient military operations but should be used with caution.”