Sunday, March 24, 2019

Dr. Subramanian Swamy on Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi becoming Prime Minister

Dr. Subramanian Swamy has spoken about this more than once, in various places, publicly. If there is a reason the government of India is letting this fraud perpetrated against the nation for decades let go unpunished, it is unclear.

Under the YT videos of his speeches, one person is particularly active trying to obfuscate the issues.

Velington Fernandes responded to a comment of mine to say it was dangerous to believe Dr Subramanian Swamy on the points he made against the two, and specifically about the dismissal of the scion out of Harvard (due to drug use) where he was admitted only due to his being a descendent of a third world leader, apart from the arrest on arrival at the airport due to carrying huge amounts of cash undeclared.

I responded by stating that calling it dangerous to believe it sounded like a personal threat.

He backtracked, and said I was free to go check the official police records, they make it clear that Dr Subramanian Swamy was lying.

It was clear, I said, that first, police are unlikely to show such records to just anyone, while Dr Subramanian Swamy being an ex faculty member of Harvard had found out things personally due to acquaintance with people.

He then deleted his part of the conversation and elsewhere posted a huge, verbose lie, which I discovered much later.

The following is series of my posts at the said YT video.

Dr. Subramanian Swamy on Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi becoming Prime Minister

0:25 - 1:29 specific part of Indian constitution that applies.

2:58 - 3:45 what Nehru wrote and his government decreed re heir to Holkar kingdom

can only be more true for important positions of government of India, and all the more so for someone of purely foreign origin, of course; but, as Subramanyam Swamy clarified, the constitutional clause in Indian Constitution is explicit re mutuality of such possibility.
8:30 If he had to leave Harvard due to cocaine, it is likely well documented, under whatever name he used there; probably the verification would not easily be available unless one is an insider, which Dr Swamy definitely is at Harvard. 

re mutuality

3:45 - 4:56!

7:30! And thanks for bonus,  7:30 - 10:08! , hope it all works (canceling such amendments). If we need someone from elsewhere appointed to take care of India, someone with more education and competence, honesty and career should be considered - Hilary Clinton, for example.

9:45 so that's the reason for name and passport with that name! Does India have dual citizenship agreement with Italy, or is this an exception?

10:49 Varun certainly should do for dynasty fans, unless the foreigner quotient is necessary, which no one would be silly enough to admit to.

Responding to comments below questioning Dr Subramanian Swamy about his expose of the current and the now ex presidents of congress, claiming there is no proof of his statements, and calling him a lier :-

To begin with, if you don't see a chain of logic, or that facts can be claimed easily enough if they are opposite of what Dr Subramanian Swamy says, that points st your own questionable mindset, capabilities, or possibly worse. As to proof, there is no proof that the posts calling Dr Subramanian Swamy a lier or questioning his statements were written by genuine persons, rather than agents paid with scam funds in Swiss accounts of the mafia family.

Interesting conversation, of which the other one deleted his attempted lies and threats:

Jyotsna Gokhale
+Velington Fernandes " Italy didnt permit Dual nationality till 1991." while Subramaniam Swamy reports the boy's mom informing Italian embassy and obtaining an Italian passport for him at birth, which could mean he retained the Italian nationality until comparatively recently, that would be at least until he was at Cambridge according to himself. His mom retained her own Italian nationality and did not get Indian citizenship until legally it was necessary due to her husband becoming prime minister.

Swamy has more of a likelihood of finding stuff hidden in Harvard or Cambridge due to his personal connections, while someone conducting research whether on internet or in person is likely to get stonewalled with name changes, confidentiality, and more.

Dangerous is an inappropriate and unduly strong word in the connection and seems a personal threat from you against me. People in public life have faced far more than perception about once upon a time use of substance, which in his case might be true while in cases of false propaganda against colonial subjects of yore by ex rulers and their allies was usually false.

Jyotsna Gokhale
+Velington Fernandes Either you are really obtuse or deliberately bullying with lies. Your contention about

"Sonia G became Indian before 1991. Doesnt it logically imply that Rahul
Gandhi becomes Indian as soon as the day Sonia Gandhi became an Indian citizen which is before 1991"

is absurd and false in several points.

To begin with a parent's citizenship might give choice of that right to the child but it is not forced, and her having to become citizen of India however reluctantly does not indicate her son being made to go through that transition, much less imply it as necessarily so.

There is nothing logical or reasonable about a child having to be citizen of a country if a parent chooses it, if there are other choices and in particular a choice already made for the child.

You sound like the racist US right wingers who claim Obama is not a US citizen because his father was not. That is silly and false.

Sonia did not take citizenship of India until she was forced to, by Indian law, alternative being her husband having to choose strictly between her and his prime ministership of India. That was '84, long after she lived in the home of his mother the prime minister for years, and this does not support the idea that her son would be Indian by her choice.

Responding to a comment below the original yt video, by the same congress pro who had tried to and failed in conversation above and deleted his replies to my post, about "Indian law being not defined by Italy"  and other attempts to shame, provoke and bamboozle India:-

Re "Sonia Gandhi is a Naturalised Citizen of India.", is precisely what Dr Subramanian Swamy has pointed out is untrue if she never renounced all other citizenships, and there is no proof she renounced ANY!

According to Dr Subramanian Swamy, when she could no longer hold on to being a non citizen, the then PM Indira Gandhi instructed the official in question to accept the Italian ambassador's statement, which only said to the effect that she had told him she had surrendered it, but not that she had in fact done so.

Re mutuality clause, Italy or any other nation does not define law in India, India dies so with clause of reciprocity. Bamboozling India with such shameful attempts to provoke is typical of fascists heritage.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Choices, Prejudices, Castes Across Cultures, Targeting Easy Victims

Quoted from the post referred:-

"" हमारे शब्द ही हमारे कर्म है "

महाभारत के युद्ध के बाद -

18 दिन के युद्ध ने द्रोपदी की उम्र को 80 वर्ष जैसा कर दिया था. शारीरिक रूप से भी और मानसिक रूप से भी. उसकी आंखे मानो किसी खड्डे में धंस गई थी. उनके नीचे के काले घेरों ने उसके रक्ताभ कपोलों को भी अपनी सीमा में ले लिया था. श्याम वर्ण और अधिक काला हो गया था. युद्ध से पूर्व प्रतिशोध की ज्वाला ने जलाया था और युद्ध के उपरांत पश्चाताप की आग तपा रही थी. ना कुछ समझने की क्षमता बची थी ना सोचने की. कुरूक्षेत्र मेें चारों तरफ लाशों के ढेर थे. जिनके दाह संस्कार के लिए न लोग उपलब्ध थे न साधन. शहर में चारों तरफ विधवाओं का बाहुल्य था. पुरुष इक्का-दुक्का ही दिखाई पड़ता था. अनाथ बच्चे घूमते दिखाई पड़ते थे. और उन सबकी वह महारानी द्रौपदी हस्तिनापुर केे महल मेंं निश्चेष्ट बैठी हुई शूूूून्य को ताक रही थी.
तभी कृष्ण कक्ष में प्रवेश करते हैं ! " महारानी द्रौपदी की जय हो ". द्रौपदी कृष्ण को देखते ही दौड़कर उनसे लिपट जाती है. कृष्ण उसके सर को सहलातेे रहते हैं और रोने देते हैं .थोड़ी देर में उसे खुद से अलग करके समीप के पलंग पर बिठा देते हैं.

द्रोपदी :- " यह क्या हो गया सखा. ऐसा तो मैंने नहीं सोचा था ".

कृष्ण :- " नियति बहुत क्रूर होती है पांचाली ! वह हमारे सोचने के अनुरूप नहीं चलती. हमारे कर्मों को परिणामों में बदल देती है. तुम प्रतिशोध लेना चाहती थी और तुम सफल हुई द्रौपदी ! तुम्हारा प्रतिशोध पूरा हुआ . सिर्फ दुर्योधन और दुशासन ही नहीं सारे कौरव समाप्त हो गए तुम्हें तो प्रसन्न होना चाहिए !"

द्रोपदी :- " सखा तुम मेरे घावों को सहलाने आए हो या उन पर नमक छिड़कने के लिए !"

कृष्ण :- " नहीं द्रौपदी मैं तो तुम्हें वास्तविकता से अवगत कराने के लिए आया हूं. हमारे कर्मों के परिणाम को हम दूर तक नहीं देख पाते हैं. और जब वे समक्ष होते हैं तो हमारे हाथ मेें कुछ नहीं रहता."

द्रोपदी :- तो क्या इस युद्ध के लिए पूर्ण रूप से मैं ही उत्तरदायी हूं भगवन ?

कृष्ण :- नहीं द्रौपदी तुम स्वयं को इतना महत्वपूर्ण मत समझो. लेकिन तुम अपने कर्मों में थोड़ी सी भी दूरदर्शिता रखती तो स्वयं इतना कष्ट कभी नहीं पाती.

द्रोपदी :- मैं क्या कर सकती थी भगवन ?

कृष्ण :- जब तुम्हारा स्वयंबर हुआ तब तुम कर्ण को अपमानित नहीं करती और उसे प्रतियोगिता में भाग लेने का एक अवसर देती तो शायद परिणाम कुछ और होते ! इसके बाद जब कुंती ने तुम्हें पांच पतियों की पत्नी बनने का आदेश दिया तब तुम उसे स्वीकार नहीं करती तो भी परिणाम कुछ और होते. और उसके बाद तुमने अपने महल में दुर्योधन को अपमानित किया वह नहीं करती तो तुम्हारा चीर हरण नहीं होता तब भी शायद परिस्थितियां कुछ और होती.

हमारे शब्द भी हमारे कर्म होते हैं द्रोपदी ! और हमें अपने हर शब्द को बोलने से पहले तोलना बहुत जरूरी होता है अन्यथा उसके दुष्परिणाम सिर्फ स्वयं को ही नहीं अपने पूरे परिवेश को दुखी करते रहते हैं.

अब तुम हस्तिनापुर की महारानी हो और इस समय हस्तिनापुर बहुत कष्ट में है. तुम्हें महाराज युधिष्ठिर की निराशा को समाप्त करके उन्हें गतिशील करना होगा. हस्तिनापुर के पुनरुद्धार का कार्य तीव्र गति से करना होगा. उठो और अपने कर्म करने लग जाओ. यही प्रकृति का संकेत है.

हमें कुछ कहते वक्त अपने शब्दों का चयन होशियारी और समझदारी से करना चाहिये.
साथ ही इस बात का अनुमान भी हमें होना चाहिए कि उसका परिणाम क्या निकलेगा. अगर हम यह अनुमान लगाने में सक्षम होंगे, तो हम आसानी से विचार कर सकते है कि हमें क्या बोलना चाहिए और क्या नहीं बोलना चाहिए.

बोलने की कला और व्यवहार कुशलता के बगैर प्रतिभा हमेशा हमारे काम नहीं आ सकती. शब्दों से हमारा नजरिया झलकता है. शब्द दिलों को जोड़ सकते है, तो हमारी भावनाओ को चोट भी पहुंचा सकते है और रिश्तों में दरार भी पैदा कर सकते है. सोच कर बोले, न की बोल के सोचे. समझदारी और बेवकूफी में यही बड़ा फर्क है."

Easy to blame her, as usual, isn't it! What usual nonsense of those that find inexpensive solutions, targeting victims! Any low blows will do, including blaming her for obeying her mother in law, while still a bride! If she had not, she'd be in a better position than her brothers in law, but the evil cousins would rule, and India would have that inheritance! Think before pointing at flaws in the greatest of works of the great Vedavyaasa!

Was Krishna, the great God personified, incapable of preventing it, IF he thought that should be prevented?

Might as well go agree with nazis who blame Jews, British and French for WWII, after all why were they opposing the great leader of Germans who are racially blue eyed blond which according to them proves superiority? Sounds crap? In what way were the villains of Mahaabhaarata different from nazis, or rapist murderers before or after, except possibly the colouring?

Divine finds a way to destroy evil, and if Paanchaalie's beauty and pride was the way, thank heavens on knees for India being not descended from those that tried to take away her saree in court!

There is a reason the Divine is worshipped in Kaalie form in India. Not understanding it and going blindly assuming a political leader was the ultimate just because the party gave him demigod status and seeks to impose it to the exclusion of all thought, reduces India to colonial slave ready status.

It's not too difficult to see that the root of the mess is the person that the story began with, the nature, the character that Shantanu was, his Prakrti (r is enough to denote the vowel in Sanskrt). Funny, his name is now universally distorted to Shaantanu, in show business anyway (and presumably because the writers there aren't familiar with Sanskrit), but that's incorrect and hugely misleading - he is far from at peace in his physical or vital.

He has the unimaginably great fortune to marry the beautiful Goddess Gangaa and can't keep the one promise she asked in condition, to never question her. Then he pines for the other woman whose father demands everything for his grandchildren, and the son of the Goddess Gangaa is enslaved to serve the throne for life, root of every ill thereafter!

Hidden parable there in plain sight, about human folly of being unable to sustain heights of association with Gods and Goddesses,  sons of heaven's entities being forced to work for those that don't deserve it, and finally the battle needed to right the wrongs that couldn't be solved by talks!

Responding to a comment below the original fb post on a friend's page by
Upendra Vaidya "एक जनमान्यता के अनुसार द्रौपदी स्वयंवर मे श्रीकृष्ण द्वारा दिये संकेतानुसार ही द्रौपदी ने क्षत्रिय न होने के कारण कर्ण को स्वयंवर से बाहर करा दिया था"

That was what she said, not that he was a non Kshatriya but that he was son of a driver.

What was true is she had seen the man she fell in love with and hoped to marry, and so she cut out the possible win of someone before her chosen had a chance.

She loved Arjuna at first sight, with no clue to his identity.

Mahaabhaarata is not merely the greatest epic but is littered with incidents that show reality of India, which is distorted by colonial regimes that identify India with caste.

Fact is Indian caste system is superior to other, non Indian caste systems.

Other caste systems were in fact based on birth, not Indian, which was classification of work.

Other caste systems, whether Europe or elsewhere, have always been about wealth, power, race, gender, titles, skin colour, physical attributes and such stuff.

They won't call it caste now, but that word is not Indian, and was not invented by Anglo-Saxons just for India. See Mill On The Floss. Poor had different church to attend.

Recall Michael Faraday. He wasnt allowed to join Royal  Society because he was son of a smith.

And as to the other colonial regimes of yore, if you aren't of the "right" faith you don't count. Killing you is a guarantee of heaven. But even within the faith, one race is superior to others, and only one tribe can rule, even if it's rulers of a nation of another race. 

Saturday, March 2, 2019


Funny 0:53 - 1:05, the flapper era bride!

Princess Marina of Greece and Denmark 1:09, would that be an aunt of Philip and a niece of Queen Alexandra? Yes, and much more, looking at the dizzying net of intermarriages between cousins in Britain, Russia,  Denmark, Greece and Germany.

The bride looks pretty 1:54 - 2:21, her dress embroidered with motifs of stars and Xmas tree branches, her long train very evocative of a peacock's, her bouquet as long and pretty as that of her daughter in law in 1981, her eyes as starry and expecting happy long years - his, not so much, again repeated in his son's wedding in 1981.

Lovely 3:33.

When Diana created the living fairy tale for the world and the world fell in love with the England's Rose 4:17 - 4:42 - unfortunately with the wrong frog who was merely dressed up as Prince but in reality was merely biding time to go back to froggy marsh.

Why couldn't Diana have married someone more like this young man 5:07! 

Lovely roses 6:01 that seem to subsequently vanish 6:02 - 6:16 from this wedding! Just as when this video continues from 6:16 to 6:17, showing another wedding, they seem to think the viewers too would forget that in those two years England's Rose was killed, supposedly in an accident supposedly caused due to paparazzi who in fact were nowhere in the vicinity, and furthermore they seem to think these wedding photos of royal mostly nonentities would have the viewers forget the huge grief that enveloped the world for a week and the funeral unprecedented. Some delusional hopes!

Meghan Markle the new fairy tale 8:53 - 9:22, this time with a princess of an Arabic look.